Sunday, August 26, 2018

I am aware of where my mind is right now, but I am also aware that I need to blog. Even though I would rather put it off until I know I can say something positive and relevant. My mind has been in the past today. And while reflecting on the person I am missing tremendously, I was reminded of a question that someone in a similar situation asked me a little while ago. She asked if grief ever gets better, and I answered as best as I could at the time. But as I continued to think about it, I realize that my answer should be that it changes. It doesn’t go away, but it does change.

Everything changes. The seasons, trends, relationships, jobs, circumstances, as well as points of view. But our Kung Fu changes as well. Or rather the journey does. My body cannot perform like it could 10 years ago, and I could mourn that. Or I can cherish where I am at now, and make the most of it. There is so much depth to Kung Fu, and so much that I still want to learn. So what do I do? I need to push myself when I can, and reflect more when I cannot push myself.

So on days like today, when I would just love to build a cushion fort and hide, I will push myself and do what is should be doing. Cherishing what I have and trying to stay in the moment.

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