Sunday, July 24, 2016

The weekend was good but....

I got to spend a lot of time with my family this weekend, and it was absolutely wonderful. But it took a turn for the worse after we were rear ended on our way home after roller blading in the river valley today.

I am so grateful for the car that I have. It kept us all safe, although my youngest probably has whiplash judging from the pain and stiffness she feels and tomorrow we will confirm it with the Doctor. But it was very emotional for us all. I believe the driver was distracted as we had been at a stop for a good 20 seconds or so, although I think he tried to avoid us at the last second.

What broke my heart the most though was how difficult it was for my girls to get back in a car afterwards. Coming home was really hard for them, and it took all I had to try to keep them distracted.

So what does this have to do with Kung Fu? It relates to my ability to stay calm in a situation that required me to calmly asses and handle a scary situation for my kids. It allowed me to stay calm while I dealt with the other driver, as well as the fire department and the police.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Just rambling

It's been a stressful 2 weeks for me, but mostly it was self induced. Trying out a few new things at work that are way out of my comfort zone, and then applying for and interviewing for a job I don't really even want. Why I do these things to myself I am not even sure. But in general, pushing myself beyond my comfort level allows me to grow and it also is a good example for my girls, who suffer from anxiety and need that encouragement.

There are a few things in Kung Fu that are uncomfortable for me, but I keep trying. And I keep trying because I know there is value. I also know that I doubt myself more than I should and that I should celebrate all of the little successes, but it's hard sometimes.

Anyway, it's been a long couple of weeks, but I am still moving forward and learning constantly as I go. And I have had a few wonderful moments during this time that I treasure.

Just breathe.

Just be.