Sunday, February 21, 2016


A question that Sifu Brinker asks all of the newly promoted black dragons is "do you feel different?" I know now what that feeling is. Not so much that I was promoted, but more that this coming year will be different. I still plan on coaching, so the I Ho Chuan will still play a big part of my life, but today I do feel different. My goals for the year are perhaps a little more flexible, but some things will not change.

Part of the IHC program is sustainability. Once a goal is broken down and done consistently for a year, it becomes a lifestyle change and is therefore just what we do. I will still challenge myself though, and will keep on learning.

Last night was a great night. It was a bit exhausting, and the migraine I developed during the early evening didn't help, but it was still a night to remember.

Hopefully this doesn't come across as too self serving but I have to share. I feel blessed for a couple of reasons about the IHC performance last night. I wasn't able to do a live performance the night I was promoted to black belt, due to a broken ankle. And then for my second promotion, the current structure wasn't in place, so not performing wasn't a huge deal for me. It was simply the accomplishment. However, last night I was able to perform on the night I was promoted. Maybe it isn't such a big deal, but it made the night more special to me.

I am so proud of the new black belts. Two of you I have had the pleasure of watching from the time you were 3 years old. I am so happy to welcome all 4 of you! And a big congrats to Sifu D. Regier!

Monday, February 15, 2016


It's the time of year where I get to do a little sewing on the new lion, and it makes me smile every time. Well, I get to sew the lions cloth anyway. The ties that the manufacturer uses never last very long as they fray, and the last thing we need is for the cloth to start to come off during the most important dance of the year.

I truly enjoy working on the lions. Almost as much as I used to dance with them. I have had many opportunities in the past to re-glue and repaint and touch up as they are really only meant to last a year and I love it. However we usually get more than that out of them.

One day, I would like to build one from the ground up. Or at least start with the frame and go from there...guess I'll have to buy a lion from the auction???

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Beginning Anew

Everyday we are afforded the opportunity to begin anew. Every morning when I open my eyes I am blessed with 24 brand new hours with which I can start fresh. Maybe yesterday wasn't as good as it could've been, so now today, I can try again.

Tomorrow is a whole new lunar year. It's exciting as its new, fresh and untainted. The possibilities are endless! I am not on the monkey team, but right now I am having second thoughts. I really enjoyed this past year with the sheep team, and I learned a lot. However I do recognize that I don't have to be on the team in order to benefit from as team has the power to feed the whole school. If we are engaged in our training, then our actions are noticed and inspiration follows.

So, here's to a new year, and new possibilities. Cheers!