Monday, September 28, 2015

In the balance

Finding balance between Kung Fu, family and work can be a struggle. Events that are out of our control happen and we can easily find ourselves lost in the confusion. And it can really difficult to re-establish our carefully crafted balance. But it's doable.

There are always bumps in the road, and our paths can lead sideways, or go in circles. I think that when we have been training enough to develop effortless effort, it is a whole lot easier to find the right path again.

I have been thinking about my journey this year, and am pondering joining the I Ho Chuan team next year. This has been a great year so far, and for the most part have been able to maintain balance in my life, and the many roles I play.


Monday, September 21, 2015

How much do I say?

I had a lot of emotions going through me today, and I thought I had a blog, but now I am not so sure. I guess i still have one, but I don't think I can share all of those emotions anymore. (But here's a few).

I have a lot of work ahead of me, when it comes to being a better person. I am working on using more right speech, and to hold back on the labels that are so easy to put on a person. I want to be able to use compassion all of the time, and to be a better person today than I was yesterday. And I want to be more like my mom was.

She was someone who always gave of herself, and put others first. She always had a smile, and could make anyone feel cared for. If she gave you a hug, it was full of love, and could make everything better. She managed to touch people near and far, and had many friends that she had never met. She was also quick to forgive and forget.

My point I guess, is that life is too short, and I want to spend the rest of my life working at being a better person. I need to get better at smiling at my anger and accepting it, because then I can let it go. I need to get better at showing those I love how much I appreciate them, and how blessed I am to have them in my life. I want to share Kung Fu, as it is such a huge gift to have been given. I want my children to be loving, caring people who make a positive change. But it all starts with me, and how I choose to live each day.


Monday, September 14, 2015

It started with no shoes

I work downtown, and when I leave the building at lunch, I enjoy people watching. We wonder where they are off to, marvel at the interesting outfits, and smile at the busyness. However, one day last week, a man strolled by, and it took a few seconds to realize that he wasn't wearing shoes. That started a conversation about the homeless/ or less fortunate, and what is out there for help, but really it's not about just giving someone shoes, or clothes to help them stay warm(although that does help). It boils down to mental illness, a lack of resources, and the stigma that surrounds it.

We had the opportunity to perform a lion dance for the Rotary Run for Life yesterday. Each year it is a blessing to be able to support the suicide prevention program in our community. We need to be brave enough to ask if someone is suicidal, and we need to be strong enough to help ourselves and others get past the stigma.

So how do we get past the stigma? The first step, is to learn more and to talk about it. Talk about it until you are comfortable with it. Mental illness affects more people than we can imagine, but it's invisible, so it's easy to ignore. But I know, that with empathy and compassion, we can make a difference.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

I'm not complaining

I have to start this with an apology. I am really sorry team, but I just cannot do the dragon dance. My little stint in it last class has been bad for my ankle ever since. It stinks, because it was fun. But I can still Buddha!

It has been a stressful week, and it will slowly lighten up, so that's a good thing. It just makes it a little more difficult to stay in the moment, and it is tiring to be on high alert constantly. But this too shall pass.

I am looking forward to classes starting up again, and getting back into that groove. Funny since it's only been a week, but it feels like a really long time. Anyway, thanks to everyone who contributed to the renos, and to those who supported it! It looks fantastic!

See you all on the mats...

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Fresh start

Everything year at this time we have the opportunity to have a fresh start. We close the kwoon for a week, do that we may put things back in order, clean things really well, and out our own selves into the place that we train. It's a humbling experience, and a blessing to do so with all of the other students.

It's also a new start for the kids going back to school. For some, it's going back to your friends in the same surroundings as last year, and the. For others it's strife with anxiety as they enter a whole new school.

No matter what, when you wake up each day, try to remember that it's a brand new day, with a whole new start. Put on a smile, take a deep breath, and it will all come together. Yes, it can be tough, but know that you are tougher than what the new start will bring.

Our attitude sets the stage for things to come.