Sunday, July 26, 2015

What am I?

What is a martial artist? It is someone who understands mastery is the journey itself, not its destination. A martial artist is someone whose values reflect that of their journey, and who is accountable for their actions. One core value is empathy. Understanding your opponent and the surroundings. Making decisions that are based in compassion, and using that compassion to breed more empathy in those around us. Another value is the eye for detail. Recognizing the small intricacies that need improvement, and not accepting mediocrity. A martial artist has passion, that is reflected in their soul. It shines, and inspires. They have discipline which is evident in their successes and their failures. But failure, is simply the process to success. With discipline comes consistent effort, which will become success at some point. A martial artist is someone who is a leader, whether it's by example or through their charisma. A martial artist values humility. The recognition that one always has room for improvement, and someone who can see the lessons in front of them.


I am not a martial artist yet, but am on that path. I have yet to achieve mastery, but will always reach for that goal.


As a mother on the path to mastery, I lead by example for my children, and through charisma. They see my actions, and through those actions, I can teach them to be the best they can be.


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