Sunday, July 26, 2015

What am I?

What is a martial artist? It is someone who understands mastery is the journey itself, not its destination. A martial artist is someone whose values reflect that of their journey, and who is accountable for their actions. One core value is empathy. Understanding your opponent and the surroundings. Making decisions that are based in compassion, and using that compassion to breed more empathy in those around us. Another value is the eye for detail. Recognizing the small intricacies that need improvement, and not accepting mediocrity. A martial artist has passion, that is reflected in their soul. It shines, and inspires. They have discipline which is evident in their successes and their failures. But failure, is simply the process to success. With discipline comes consistent effort, which will become success at some point. A martial artist is someone who is a leader, whether it's by example or through their charisma. A martial artist values humility. The recognition that one always has room for improvement, and someone who can see the lessons in front of them.


I am not a martial artist yet, but am on that path. I have yet to achieve mastery, but will always reach for that goal.


As a mother on the path to mastery, I lead by example for my children, and through charisma. They see my actions, and through those actions, I can teach them to be the best they can be.


Sunday, July 19, 2015

It's mine

I'd like to thank everyone who gave me support and encouragement a little while ago. It helped a lot in taking the step and going through with the interview process for the job I applied for.

It was officially offered to me on Friday, and I accepted. That in itself felt strange. It's not something I really ever thought would happen. I mean, at first I applied more to see what would happen, and then when I got the interview, I almost cancelled. It wasn't until I was told that I was being considered that I realized I had made it, and I didn't fail as badly as I thought. It is the right decision, to accept this position and take on some new challenges.

It reminded me of my black belt grading. Except that I really wanted to pass. I had a lot of stress leading up to it, but I practiced hard, and lived and breathed Kung Fu. (Still do). I remember thinking that no matter what happened I knew I did my best, and that if my best wasn't good enough, I would have to practice harder for the next time. But I did pass. And it's an experience I will never forget.


Monday, July 13, 2015

Self defence

What is self defence? Is it the ability to fight back when you need to? Is it the ability to deflect a situation that has the potential to get ugly? Is it eating right, and taking care of your body and your mind?

I think its all these things. But I think what we tend to forget, is that it's best not to get into a bad situation in the first place. Walking alone at night in a back alley, or on a deserted street is not a good idea. It might seem like a good idea at first glance, since there isn't anyone around to hurt you. But if you think about it deeper, there won't be anyone around to hear you scream, or save you.

Travel in packs, take the busy street home, have a charged cell phone. Look at suspicious people in the eye, letting them know you see them. Try to stay calm, and make as much noise as you have to.

Today, I witnessed an accident, but the guy who got hit, was in an extreme rage. He scared me, and what someone can do to a person in that state scares me more. So I left, as there was at least one person among many who witnessed it who got out to assist. I felt a lot of guilt for leaving a scene, but if I don't feel safe, chances are high that I'm not. I have to take care of myself in order to take care of my family. And that means avoiding situations that could be dangerous.

That was my first line of self defence today.


Sunday, July 12, 2015

Oh, radishes...

I have been thinking about where my Kung fu is going lately, and I think it's going in a good direction. Maybe not where it could be though. We talk about not comparing ourselves to others, as each of us is on a unique journey. But it's hard not to sometimes when others are watching, and you are very aware of your weaknesses.


My journey this year has been more internal then external. My focus and growth has involved the exploration of my chi, and I feel I have grown in this respect. I still have a very long path in front of me though, as there is still so much to learn and understand.


I know a few of my forms are rustler than they should be, and I was a bit embarrassed about it on Friday night. But, I guess that's the kick in the pants then! Time to practice those.




Sunday, July 5, 2015


It's been a while since I felt inspired with teaching. I'm not saying that I lost my passion, but rather wasn't experiencing much creativity. I do know however, that by staying the course, eventually creativity will find me again. Especially when I am not looking for it.


I was online a few days ago, looking for a specific piece of equipment that I would love to have for the Lil Leopards class. And on this search, creativity found me. I came up with a couple of new activities, however I am not sure how well they will work out yet. But that's the exciting part - trying them out, and seeing how the kids react. Let's see how it goes!




Wednesday, July 1, 2015

They don't write themselves

It's so easy to miss a blog day, because once you miss the first opportunity, the rest just keep slipping by. That's where I find myself today. I had a migraine on Sunday so writing was out, but I figured that I would just write on Monday. Well, it's Wednesday and I am only now sitting down. Silly me.


Boot camp was great. A big thank you to Sifu T. Playter for covering the Lil Leopards for me, so I could attend. It meant a lot.


It was great to see so many enthusiastic faces on Saturday. There was a lot of positive energy, and it is very contagious. I am looking forward to today too, for those reasons. See you all out there!