Sunday, May 3, 2015

Green mata

I know, mata is not a word, but I needed a title. I learned a couple of things this week. Nothing earth shattering, but I learned nonetheless.


I did a lot of walking last weekend, in what I thought were really comfy boots. I was very wrong. I had shin splints to beat the dickens, but it was worth it. The shin splints taught me two things. First, that I reminded that I march when I am at work. I go at high speed and get where I need to go fast and there isn't any mindfulness involved. It helps my numbers and helps me get stuff done though. I couldn't go fast at all this week until Friday really. I had to walk mindfully or else it really hurt. It made me realize that I don't always have to go for speed to get things done.


The second thing I learned was that our mats are pretty squishy. They have always seemed very firm compared to the red mats we used to use. But after spending a couple of hours walking mindfully (and slowly) over them, it felt really nice on my legs. I think it helped my healing time too, although that could be my imagination talking. I can say that I have a new appreciation for them.


And that was my week in a nutshell. On to a whole new week!



Unknown said...

I appreciate your mindful thinking! Comfortable shoes don't seem to be something that can purchased at a glance anymore.

Sifu Beckett Sr. said...

Good on the focus on the now and being mindful it's something that is much harder than it sounds