Sunday, June 2, 2013

Lu Ping An


It means "walking in peace and harmony". And the very definition of this will vary from student to student. For me, it means being peace and living in harmony with the world around me. (That includes people).


So what is "being peace"? For me, it means having peace in heart and mind, and having everything that you do, be done with peace in mind. That could be the result, or the very intention of your act.


There is so much anger in the world today and its hard to imagine how one person can change that. But if we all take "Lu Ping An" and live it, I know that we are planting the seeds of peace, and promoting harmony wherever we go.


I don't always feel peace in my heart, as I struggle with many emotions, the big one now of grief. However, with that being said, by being mindful, taking time for me, and breathing in and out, I can surround my feelings with peace. That may not make much sense, but it's hard to explain.


I guess what I am trying to say, is that if we believe in walking in peace and harmony, how can we not spread it? And it can start with the little things. Acts of kindness being a big one. How can you not put a little peace in someone's heart by doing something nice? And by treating our environment with respect and dignity, we promote harmony.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

excellent post on Lu Ping An. I also feel I is about being at peace with yourself.