Monday, June 24, 2013

A reason

I'll be honest here. I am not in the most positive frame of mind right now, but I don't want to blog about anything that isn't positive. So I have put this off since yesterday, but as I sat here staring at the screen, something came to me. And of course it always spirals somewhere else...That's where blogs can be great.

I thought about a picture my youngest daughter drew for me a few months ago, and I have it in a prominent spot at my desk at work. I look at it several times a day and it just makes me smile. Every single time. Basically, it's a picture of the two of us. She used a bottle or cup or something to make perfectly round heads, and then drew the rest of us through her eyes. The best part though, is her caption. "I'm sorry for the big heads mommy." I love the innocence, and the honesty there. The head size doesn't matter to me, it's that it was drawn for me from the heart. And her caption just humbles me.

And that is one of many, many reasons why I love teaching kids. They are innocent and honest (most of the time, depending on age etc.). Saturdays are probably the best for me (it's also one that I didn't leave when my kids moved up). They have the brightest smiles, and I love hearing about their days, or the simple things that are important to them. Sometimes I even get hugs!

So that is something to keep in front of me when I am having a not so good day. (our Kung Fu babe Julia is also a highlight for me. It's been wonderful to see her grow, and to just revel in the wonder of being so small). Thank you for sharing her with us.

1 comment:

Tiffany Playter said...

Babe Julia loves seeing you! Your one of her favourite people to see:)