Sunday, September 16, 2012

How busy?

Someone asked me something the other day that got me thinking. The question was along the lines of how I do it all. I work full time, raise my two daughters, teach and train in Kung fu several times a week.

When I thought about it though, I don't actually feel that busy. My lifestyle is something that has grown over time, and I honestly don't think about it. It just is.

I think that is something that is hard to grasp sometimes. I know that every now and then life gets to be too much and we wonder what the heck we are doing? But yet, for me the solution is pretty simple. All it takes is a reflection of what Kung Fu has done for me and I realize what I have always known. This is where I belong, and my Kung Fu is my life. It's my journey, and I have a huge Kung Fu "family" to keep me going.



1 comment:

Sifu Robyn Kichko said...

I've had people ask me the same question and I think that you got the answer right, we just do! Finding time to do the important things in life is easy, figuring out what they are is what takes time sometimes. We are lucky that we know what is important already :)