Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Book of Awesome

I was given this book as a gift, and I give a silent high five to the person who wrote it, and a heartfelt hug to the person who gave it to me.

I was struggling with what to write about today, and when I picked up this book for a smile, I knew I had to quote something from it. It's called "The Book of Awesome" by Neil Pasricha. I love it.

"Getting Grass Stains

First of all, getting grass satins mean that you were running around at high speeds without proper equipment. Maybe you slid last minute to avoid a frozen tag or made an awkward somersault dive at a line drive Wiffle Ball. Either way, the grass stain symbolizes your large devil-may-care investment in having balls out fun, and that's something worth respecting.

See boring people, like myself, rarely get grass stains running around because we're always doing it in Umbros and shin pads from 7:30 to 8:25 p.m. on Mondays down at the indoor gym.

Now, when you're just running around full throttle in cords and a sweater until you trip on a rock and fall down a hill, my friend, that is something. Walk home with pants full of grass stains, some spicy kneeburn, and mud-caked shoes, and you've just had yourself a great day.


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