Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Short One :-(

Unfortunately, my tendonitis has flared it’s ugly head again, so I have to limit my typing for the time being. That’s difficult, as my job requires a lot of data entry, and I am working on some written assignments.

It’s a little frustrating, as this past week and a half has been wrought with aches and pains, which has impacted my training. Not to complain though, as I am forced to address other areas which need my attention. I was hoping to be able to work on my double broadsword form for the Tiger Challenge, but at this time, my wrists cannot take it. Oh well. That gives me an opportunity to do some required reading, and to direct my energy into teaching. I have a list of other aches, but as with the tendonitis, they are a part of me.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Book of Awesome

I was given this book as a gift, and I give a silent high five to the person who wrote it, and a heartfelt hug to the person who gave it to me.

I was struggling with what to write about today, and when I picked up this book for a smile, I knew I had to quote something from it. It's called "The Book of Awesome" by Neil Pasricha. I love it.

"Getting Grass Stains

First of all, getting grass satins mean that you were running around at high speeds without proper equipment. Maybe you slid last minute to avoid a frozen tag or made an awkward somersault dive at a line drive Wiffle Ball. Either way, the grass stain symbolizes your large devil-may-care investment in having balls out fun, and that's something worth respecting.

See boring people, like myself, rarely get grass stains running around because we're always doing it in Umbros and shin pads from 7:30 to 8:25 p.m. on Mondays down at the indoor gym.

Now, when you're just running around full throttle in cords and a sweater until you trip on a rock and fall down a hill, my friend, that is something. Walk home with pants full of grass stains, some spicy kneeburn, and mud-caked shoes, and you've just had yourself a great day.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

I almost forgot to blog today...oops. I don’t have much to say today, except that the last little while I have been trying extra hard to live in the moment. To revel in the warm sunshine, and to ignore the snow that is still on the ground. To enjoy the alone time I am given while sitting in a futile traffic jam. Maybe this is less living in the moment and more of staying in a positive frame of mind. Somehow, I think they both go together.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Where I am at

It was Spring Break for the kids last week, so there weren’t any children’s classes. I decided to stay home for the four days that we normally have kids class, and spent time with my kids instead. It was a needed break.

I thought it might impact my training, as I am not the best when it comes down to working out at home. But I got some forms in, and my mind actually feels a little fresher.

We performed our first demo of the year yesterday at the local trade show, and it turned out really great. We had many belt levels perform, a lion dance and kids do their thing as well. I love demos, as they continually give me something to work towards, and I feel that by taking part, I can impact my mental training, my physical training and those training around me. I think passion is infectious, and by taking our martial arts into the world (not excluding our community work), we are infecting those around us with it.

It felt good to be out there. And congrats to all those that performed yesterday. You guys did fantastic!