Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pandemonium and stuff

Something that I have been waiting for has finally happened! I got my letter of offer last Tuesday afternoon, and I started my new position on Wednesday. I am now a Health Services clerk, and so far I am loving it. It felt surreal on Wednesday, as I have waited for 5 months to go there, and the strange thing was that I was overwhelmed and underwhelmed at the same time.

I didn’t let go of all the previous job stress as quickly as I thought I would, and initially I was worried about my decision. However, it was the absolutely right one. I have zero doubts about that. I am able to utilize my previous experience/ knowledge, and am gaining more. I still have lots to learn, and I have to find a new rhythm, but that will come. So far, I like the people, and the passion they have for what they do.

This week, we completed our annual Pandemonium. It was a lot of fun, but I was a little disappointed that more students didn’t show up. It happens every year, and I only saw a couple of classes so I could be wrong, but what I don’t understand is that no matter if you fundraise or not, it is still a lot of fun to participate in. At least, I always have a lot of fun, however I can’t speak for everyone.

Congratulations to all who participated in the Pandemonium! Awesome job!

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