Sunday, August 29, 2010

I got my running pants on!

I was just watching Bugs Bunny, and when he said this, I knew it was would be a perfect blog title.

Now what to write about! I have noticed my stress level being at a higher level over the past couple of weeks. I have found myself on many occasions in the midst of clenching my jaw, resulting in subsequent headaches, and overall tension. It has taken some thought to try to figure out what is going on, and I think I know now. Maybe I am a dork for worrying about it, especially when I don’t have any control over it.

The only thing that comes to mind, is the change my oldest daughter is heading for on September 1st. She is going to middle school, complete with new kids, a new bus, and a locker. Deep down I know she will adjust, but it has been really difficult this summer watching her grow up. I have dreams about sending her to school totally unprepared, and it has affected me, as much as I try to deny it.

My stress diminished a little once I had all their school supplies, but it is still there, niggling at me. I am just not ready for this! Again, I know she will be fine, and so will I, but this has been way harder than I ever imagined.

Once our routine is settled, I will settle down too. We don’t have any Kung Fu classes this week so the kids can get prepared for and settled into their back to school routines. It is a great idea, but I think that I need Kung Fu more than ever. So I am heading in for a couple of hours this week, not to train, but to put some sweat and blood into the Kwoon. It’s a mental training, and it will help me out a lot.

1 comment:

Claire Finnamore said...

I think that all us mother's have had a hard couple of weeks. I know exactly how you feel. Last weekend I moved Jill into residence at Grant MacEwan. The hardest part was letting go - not trying to organize her week, plan for the unexpected, be there to catch her if she trips up, stock her kitchen and bathroom for everything she needs for the entire year. The hardest part was not calling her today. Very hard.