Sunday, May 30, 2010

It's empty in there

I am not sure what to write about today. I am still figuring out how to keep training while my body heals (if that’s possible), without getting frustrated. I am surrounded by like minded people, all of whom inspire me with their discipline and focus, so staying motivated shouldn’t be a problem. But it is a struggle, with some days more difficult than others. Oh well, one day at a time.

On another unrelated note, the news has been depressing lately. There seem to have been a lot of incidents involving children in our surrounding area, and it is depressing. I know it is something that maybe seems disproportionate right now compared to other crimes, when it just might all seem to be happening at once. It can get hard to bear, and hard to keep believing we can make a difference, when there is so much apathy in the world.

But I know deep down, that as long as we keep spreading awareness, and keep trying, that difference can happen, and will. I just watched this video as it always makes me smile.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A marionette, not batman.

When I think of the six harmonies, I think about a marionette puppet. One movement, creates another, where every movement is connected. If I move my hands, my feet also need to move - together, but separate. My knees and elbows move, together but separate. My hips and shoulders, also together but separate.

I have been noticing this mostly in Tai Chi, but there I struggle too, because of my injuries. My body cannot quite move in harmony, as I need to protect (or baby) the pains that occur when I try. However, moving slowly and with absolute purpose, has made me much more aware of how my body needs to move.

Yesterday, I found myself thinking more about my internal Kung Fu. I cannot seem to harmonize myself physically yet, so I need to focus more on my internal harmonies. My spirit should be connected to my intention, my intention should be connected to my chi, and my chi to my strength. It is challenging in that I have to compromise myself physically, and so I find myself not as mindful in my purpose, but if I go slower, I can see a direction. And from this direction, I know I can mindfully attempt to harmonize internally.

Not to complain, as my list of injuries has only made me more determined and more grateful for my training. Isn’t it interesting how injuries can pile up without even being aware? I still have a bum ankle ( whatever), I broke my baby toe 3 weeks ago, and I did something strange to my left hip playing freeze tag 2 weeks ago. (I’m probably an idiot for playing tag in the first place...). Then there is the tendonitis from work in both wrists. I am thinking I should name my pains, since they are hanging around for so long.

I am also thinking that by focusing more on my internal training, I can maybe influence how I react to the extra stresses I have been feeling. I am not batman. I have come to terms with that, although he is really cool. I don’t have superpowers, but I do have control over how I react. What I decide I can live with, and what I decide I can change. I can decide how I treat others, as this affects how I am treated. Do I want to be a doormat? Do I want to create boundaries so I am not stepped on? I have to make a choice as to when to be a friend, and when to be a coworker to be treated with respect.

Kung Fu comes into play here. When I need to destress, I have to step aside, and focus on being mindful of my breathing. My tool is to simply go through a breathing form in my head. Say Lung, or 18 Temple Motions. Even Tai Chi. It doesn’t always work as preventative though, and I tend to use it more after the fact. But it is something I can do to focus more internally.

Something to think about too..(yes, my rant is almost done), that when we are harmonized, our flow is there. When our bodies move in harmony, we are connected. Our chi is manifested and our art is true.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I am...Batman!

Okay, maybe I am not Batman, but I think he’s my favourite superhero.

Yesterday we had our annual Tiger Challenge Tournament at the Tri Leisure Centre. As usual it was inspiring for me, and it was truly great to see our students compete in the different divisions.

I am really proud of all the kids (and adults) for all of their hard work. My challenge came while judging the Lil Leopards/ Tiny Tigers. They all tried so hard, and they were so darn cute, that it made it tough sometimes to pick a winner.

It was great to see the Lion Dance competition although I didn’t really see it since I was busy with the little kids. However, I heard it, and it seemed to mesmerize everyone around us - including the kids who we were trying to get to compete.

All in all, it was a great day - and I really appreciated how everyone pulled together. My only complaint? I broke my baby toe again - and I didn’t even compete! Stupid chair, stupid me. I am sure Batman wouldn’t have done that!

That’s all for now folks...Tune in next week for more exciting(?) adventures.