Sunday, November 29, 2009

Passive and Passionate

Teaching kung fu is important to me, as is training for myself. I have a more passive approach to teaching compared to other instructors at the school, and I do worry somewhat that it affects how I am seen.

I have my way of doing things, and the approach I take is mine. However, I find it very difficult to say what is on my mind, and to stand tall when others who are higher in rank are also around. I am a pretty new blackbelt, and I feel I still have a need to prove myself worthy of it to myself and my peers. Wearing it is a privilege not a right, and I hope I never forget that.

I was asked by Sifu Playter, to review the cane form with the I Ho Chuan class on Friday night. I am pretty passionate about this one, as it has kept me going through my ankle injury for the past year. I was nervous, and I feel it impacted my ability to pass on that passion, and inspire the students. However, since we need to cover it again next class, I have another chance to inspire them, and I know I can do better.

I think my personal training is going well though. I am learning a lot of new things, and I am feeling more confident about it. On December 01, I will be once again tackling a combination of pushups and situps to hit the 150 per day mark. I have been doing them every day, however I have no idea how many I am accumulating. It felt really good last year, when I had the assignment the first time, to see how many I could do, and to watch the numbers climb. It was a really good motivator for me.

I also am working on the demo for the Chinese New Year banquet. I am excited about this, but nervous at the same time. However, I think it is going to be awesome no matter what. The kids are excited, and that really helps me a lot.

Until next week...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Great big sigh (or a cute sock monkey!)

I have been feeling restless lately. This usually happens every few years for me, and ends up involving a move, or a new job or a new car, or something relatively drastic.

I love my VW. It’s a fun and yet very reliable car, and I have had no desire to part with it. I am okay with my job (it isn’t my dream job by any means). It has moments that I would love to leave, but I like the hours and the flexibility it offers, not to mention a half decent paycheck. I looked into moving, but the costs are ridiculous. I discovered that my rent is pretty cheap comparatively, so moving is out of the question for now. (I figure I can maybe rearrange some things in my apartment for a different look or something).

So that got me thinking about learning. I would love to learn something new again. Preferably something artistic - painting, chinese calligraphy, or almost anything at this point. I am interested in yoga, belly dancing, and maybe some other fitness class. And while I am still looking into this for the spring, I ended up with a change I wasn’t really looking for.

I traded in my beloved egg, and got a new car. It’s a city golf just like my last one, but it’s newer, has a sunroof, and is silver. We need a fun new nickname now, as “the egg” just doesn’t work so well anymore. I didn’t plan this at all. I got a letter in the mail from the dealer, and they made me an offer that was worth considering. So I considered, and had a shiny new car as of Friday. Funny how things work out. I ended up with a change, without even looking for it.

Too bad I have to go to work tomorrow...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

National Bullying Awareness Week Nov. 15 - 21, 2009

Bullying is an issue, both for children and adults. It is something that Silent River Kung Fu takes seriously, as bullying is absolutely unacceptable. No one should be made to feel small, and worthless, so that another may feel some sense of power. It leaves children (and adults) suffering from humiliation, poor grades and crushed spirits. And it can have a lasting impact on how they see themselves and the world around them.

Our children’s curriculum teaches our students conflict resolution, and ways of setting personal boundaries. It is important that we raise the awareness, and provide the tools to help children (and adults) address the situation in a constructive manner, and stop bullying in it’s tracks. Confidence is a key component of stopping bullying.

Bullying is everyone’s responsibility. It is something that doesn’t just go away, and needs constant attention to protect those affected. As a community, we need to be aware of when it happens. We need to incorporate ways to change the attitudes of the community, so that it is everyone’s business.

We need to remember, that bullying is NOT a normal part of growing up.

Bullying not only affects the the direct individuals, it also affects the children who witness it, and as adults, it is important that we act, and not turn the other cheek.
Bullying changes over time as well. There are many forms of bullying - verbal, physical, and cyber to name a few. There is exclusion - where someone is left out of things on purpose, and gossiping is one form also.

We need to take a stand on bullying. It isn’t right, and there are so many individuals out there that need our community’s support.

On the Alberta Governments website, there are some resources to give some extra information for us as parents, educators, and peers to use to help raise awareness on bullying, and to help combat it.

The bullying hotline phone number is 1-888-456-2323.
Websites to check out are:

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Mmmm, Soup...

I have down sick this whole last week, and I haven't quite licked it yet. I don't think I have ever been this exhausted before and I think I slept most of this past week. I think I logged more sleep this week, than I have in the past month. Wow.

I regret I missed the Pandamonium - hopefully it was fun, and we raised funds and awareness for some really great causes.

Well, this chick needs some soup (and/ or comfort food) and more sleep.......