Sunday, November 30, 2008

Off Balance

Finding the right balance, in my opinion, is the biggest challenge in training. It’s one thing to just go to the minimum required classes, but it’s another thing to feel the passion and energy one gets from putting in a lot of time. I feel off balance right now. I am training an extra 3 nights a week on top of everything else and am losing my ground.

When I got my second degree brown belt, it didn’t occur to me to stop going to the Monday/ Wednesday classes. I simply added the Friday class and I get so much out of that. I have continued to learn by attending those extra classes, and I am sure I always will.

And in training for my black belt over the last while, I have had to let things go in order to maintain some balance in my life. I have let some housework go, and am not nearly as organized as I would like to be. It was a necessary thing, and I would do it again without hesitation. But I feel like I am drowning.

How much do I lean on others to reach my personal goals? What changes can I make so that nothing suffers? I have to remind myself that I can relax a bit in a few months. This is a temporary thing. But is it? I need Kung Fu. But I need to breathe too. And I can’t forget that I am a mother. I don’t want to miss anything.

So I have decided for now, to cut out one of my extra classes on Wednesdays. It was a hard decision, but I have to find the balance somehow.

I refuse to quit trying to find that balance.

1 comment:

Sifu Robyn Kichko said...

breathe in, breathe out. You'll make it work, I know you will.

Sihing Kichko