Sunday, October 26, 2008

Handprints Project

This is my new project for Silent River Kung Fu. It started out with an idea, that has branched out into it's final project.

I have already posted my project on Kwoon Talk, but thought I would also post it here too. I had been thinking that we should do something at the end of our fundraiser - Shaolin Panda-monium, to celebrate our accomplishment. I thought it would fun to make a handprint to to mark this very thing.

By putting each of our handprints on a piece of square fabric, we will be able to sew them into a quilt or two to use in a silent auction at the Chinese New Year banquet. I am really excited. I can sew, but the quilting is best left up to my mom. However, I am looking forward to giving this a try.

I have already started to receive squares of 100% cotton (woven) to use in the quilts. But we need more before November 5th. I am not particular about colour, or whether it's patterned or plain. I don't have a preference, as they will be mixed up anyway.

I think the handprint quilt(s) will be a great way to end the fundraiser (which is going to a blast!) and it can bring some good. The money raised from the silent auction will of course be donated to the Benevolent Foundation for distribution to different charities. A good cause all around.

I can't wait to get started!

(The picture is of my youngest daughter - who sewed this quilt this weekend with the help of her Oma. I was truly amazed!)

Friday, October 24, 2008


18 hours to go...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

This little piggy...

My training has taken on new intensity lately, which can be a little scary what with the injuries I seem to be prone to. A recurrent rib injury from 2 1/2 years ago, rib and knee injuries from 5 weeks ago, and the latest - a broken baby toe this past Friday night in class.

So my little piggy is taped up to her buddy beside her, and hopefully will be mostly better by Saturday. Fingers crossed.

I had another snag on Saturday besides my little piggy. I was practicing my 5 techniques, and realized that two of them have become one. I simply changed the 5th one, so I am good again, but I am worried. How come, when I have been practicing it one way for a few months, that all of a sudden my body is doing something different? What the heck? At least it happened yesterday instead of during the grading. That would have been awkward to say the least.

I got through the pre-grading and learned a lot about myself. I don’t feel I performed at my best, as I was full of nerves and my legs couldn’t stop shaking. But I did good in my opinion, and can breath with that part over. It was a good warm up for this Saturday, although I can already feel the pressure and stress. Stress builds character right? Funny thing though - I was so wired after the pre-grading, that I couldn’t sleep. So Thursday night, I managed to find 3 hours of sleep. I am hoping that I just pass out this Saturday. I will more than likely be absolutely exhausted after, so that’s a good thing.

It feels good to have the support of my family, friends, and fellow students. I have fought cyclical depression for a long time, and I crashed hard yesterday. I have taken all the necessary steps to try to control it in preperation for Saturday, but it wasn’t enough. However, I wouldn’t have gotten this far without all the support I have received. It is easy for me to lose my way, and not believe in myself and my abilities when I am in this place. But it’s important to pick myself up, and keep pushing. If I hadn’t, and given up a long time ago, I wouldn’t have accomplished what I have so far in life.

I am thankful for my kids - who have always cheered me on. They have this unshakable belief in me which has pushed me beyond what I thought possible. I am thankful for my parents who have gone above and beyond to help me get this far. I am thankful for my best friend, who has always been proud of me. And I am thankful for my fellow students who continue to inspire me to push harder. So if next week doesn’t go as well as I plan, I am proud of how far I have come. I am a different person than I was when I started Kung Fu. It has been an amazing journey so far, and I am looking forward to all the rest to come.

And in a moment of self pity - my poor baby toe!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Girls rock!

I have to share this because it inspired me, and made me realize just how much farther I have to go in my training. But it was good, really good to watch.

I have always enjoyed watching the UFC, and am very um, engaged in watching it. I get tense, and fidget a lot! I read an article on Gina Carano online and was inspired to watch her MMA fight last weekend, October 4th. It was with Elite XC, which doesn’t do MMA justice. They had one guy who’s style of fighting was “Facesmashing Fu”. What??? I don’t know that I can give them much support when that is considered mixed martial art.

Anyway, it was an amazing fight. This girl is solid, and has some very precise kicks and punches. I want to aspire to that. Not fighting in a cage, but being able to spar with that kind of intensity and precision. A new goal for the near future. Something for me to keep in mind though, is that she is an inch taller than I am, and about 30 pounds heavier. I may not be able to pack a punch the way she can, but one day I will be able to stand up, and spar more confidently.

The video of her fight is on YouTube - I had some issues with uploading the video here. It was Gina Carano vs. Kelly Kobold. Check it out, it's awesome!

Only 3 days until the pre-grading.
And only 9 days until grading day.

Friday, October 3, 2008


When in doubt, find the courage to keep pushing.