Tuesday, December 29, 2020

New Years


I’ve decided that for this New Years Eve, I’m going to party like it’s 2020. You guessed it, pyjamas, fuzzy socks, maybe a movie, some comfort snacks and my family. It’s going to be epic! 

In all honesty, this holiday season has been strange, as I’m sure everyone can attest to. But looking back over this past year, I see where Kung Fu has kept me grounded. It’s been full of uncertainty, anxiety, stress and the unknown, but Kung Fu has been a constant. It’s always there, and always will be if I put in the work. And as we slide into 2021, Kung Fu will still be there, providing me structure and support, no matter what gets thrown at me.

Monday, December 21, 2020



We all have things we need to accountable for, whether it’s school, work, or other activities. It’s a responsibility to ourselves and others, but doing what we say we will.

It’s not always easy though, however hopefully we all have people to help us. Teachers, bosses, parents, instructors and our peers.

The I Ho Chuan is a tool that provides both the mentorship and the peer support. To me, a goal isn’t truly accomplished unless you have someone to share it with, and that’s why we publicly pursue them. I put them in writing, for everyone to see. I train and pursue my goals publicly so that I have support along the way. I a, looking forward to next year’s team, and the continuance of accountability.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

One on ones


I am thankful for the one on ones, for a couple of reasons. First, it allows me a chance to connect with students in ways I cannot at this time. It also teaches me, as students ask questions that get me thinking.

Sometimes we get into a rhythm that devolves into just going through the motions. Getting questions let’s me evaluate my intent and the purpose behind a technique.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

The day I had...


Today I accomplished a lot. I finally finished the prep for all of the pumpkin we cut a few weeks ago. I cooked all 60 pounds (although less than that without the skin and guts), puréed it all and separated it into pumpkin pie sized portions.

All the while completing 800 pushups for Soke Dave McNeill’s 80th birthday. I feel pretty good about what I managed today. Both were a challenge for me, as I have never made pumpkin pie filling from scratch, and it’s been awhile since I have done a push-up challenge.

It was a great day!

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Insert Insight Here...


I noticed this past Thursday that I don’t have much flexibility in my right ankle, or maybe it’s a lack of strength. I was leading the warmups for the teen/ adult classes when i realized that it was difficult to pivot on right foot for kicks without losing my balance.

I have noticed it before, but I haven’t truly acknowledged it for a long time. It’s an old ankle injury, so it’s no surprise, but it’s something I have to work on. Hm, I wonder if it’s why I struggle with the spinning back kick in Da Mu Hsing...