Sunday, February 23, 2020

Arbitrary Limitations

It can be hard not to compare myself to my younger self, or worse yet, to other students around me. Neither of these is healthy. I have some permanent injuries which place some limitations upon myself, and I am also not the same as those around me. I have my own journey, my own path. I have to admit that sometimes this holds me back. My heart and mind want to perform/ learn in a certain way and my body doesn’t allow it. It can be very frustrating and damaging mentally when I think I should be at a certain place in my training and I am not yet there. And perhaps I will never be there. I do recognize this though, and while there are difficult days, in the end, I know deep down that I am me. There is no one else like me. Just like there is no one else like you.
I am fortunate to train alongside of all of you. You inspire me, encourage me and support me perhaps without even knowing this. Thank you. When you are there training, and sharing camaraderie, I feel centred.
To Quote Thich Nhat Hanh “You are therefore I am”. (This quote is actually hung in our office so I see it every time I sit at the desk to work).

Monday, February 17, 2020


Sometimes you have take a step back from something in order to step forward again.
Sometimes you have to stop and breathe mindfully.
Sometimes you have take stock of what you have, not what you don’t have.
Sometimes you have to stop looking elsewhere and look right in front of of you.
And sometimes you have to just do what has to be done, in order to get where you’re going.

Sunday, February 9, 2020


Sometimes, when it’s least expected we get hit with an idea, and then talking about it expands that idea. I have a project that I have been toying with for a while for Earth Day, and today it has taken on some life. I will share more details shortly, and will also require some assistance with it. So sit tight as I am fleshing out the details as I need to get moving to make this a reality.

*Disclaimer*. Every day is Earth Day, not just April 22.

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” “The Lorax”

Sunday, February 2, 2020


Responsibility. I was thinking about this today, and the many forms and benefits of it. For the I Ho Chuan, it means that I am responsible for my decisions and actions. If I choose to forgo my requirements for a day, I am responsible for the consequences. I am also responsible to the team. I have made commitments to them, and I am responsible for following them through. I am expected to be ready with a beta version of my forms by the time set by Sifu Brinker. I am expected to be ready for demos when called upon. I am expected to journal at least once a week. I alone am responsible to see these through. I am also responsible to seek help if I need it, and to assist my fellow teammates if and when required.

I am responsible for my actions and decisions when I am not in the Kwoon, and to present my best self to the world. I can’t behave like a total jerk at home or in public and then expect to be treated with respect at the Kwoon. I am responsible in earning said respect. I am not responsible for someone else’s actions but I am responsible for how I react to them.

I am fortunate to have this responsibility as it makes me a better person everyday. But only if I keep all of this in front of me.