Monday, September 24, 2018

Yoga power

Flexibility is something I don’t have a lot of anymore. But thankfully, Sifu Stoddart’s yoga seminar is a tool that I can use. I am really enjoying this seminar and the time goes so fast.
These seminars are a great way to expand our knowledge and fine tune our training. A big thank you to all the instructors who have led them, and we appreciate your expertise and your time

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Tiger Challenge = My Challenge

Yesterday I started playing with my Kwan Do in preparation for the Tiger Challenge. Competing still terrifies me, but I think if I do a creative musical form that might take some of the edge off. In a way, I find this approach funny. Why? Because I don’t think I am very creative when it comes to creating my own form. I do know that the more I get out there the easier it will be. And it’s something that I knew I would have to do. So let’s make the best of it. I can’t wait to see everyone out there!

Monday, September 10, 2018

Where am I?

So where am I at? Lately, there have been highs and lows. I have felt a lot of anxiety and stress over school - specifically our daughter going to university. I have worried a lot about how she will cope and adapt, and how we as parents can help while at the same time giving her ample opportunity to grow as an adult. That’s way harder than I ever thought. And so with the extra stress, my body has been in a lot more pain, I have had less sleep because of that, and my training has taken a little hit. However, that being said, I feel good after the first week of our Kung fu classes. A lot of faces that were missing over the summer have returned and there are some new ones too. I cherish the reconnection and love making them with the new kids.

So where am I at? Somewhere in the middle I guess. Right now, the negatives are balanced by the positives and I can’t complain about that.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

So fresh!

The kwoon is clean, and feels kind of new. It took the work of a team and someone to lead the way. It is an amazing feeling to put your own sweat into the school, and to train in it after makes it more special. I feel grateful to everyone who helped out and organized. And for those who couldn’t make it, we missed you.

Good luck to everyone in your first week of school! Can’t wait to see you on the mats!