Wednesday, October 25, 2017

1 2 3 4

Sometimes it’s difficult to be in the moment, and I think for most being in the moment doesn’t really mean anything. We are not in the moment when we are rushing to the next technique in a form, just trying to get through it. We lose our 6 harmonies in the process and that means that we no longer have the skeletal authority to deliver any real power.

We are not in the moment when we stop recognizing our partners reactions, or we are anticipating our partner. We lose our intent.

We have a couple of specific moments in every class that are there to put us in the moment and to remember where we are and what we are doing. Bowing in and bowing out. Take a deep breath, calm your mind, remember our past masters. We are so fortunate to be learning Kung Fu, a traditional martial art, in Stony Plain, Alberta. Across an ocean from where it all began.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Just keep breathing

To say I have the jitters is a massive understatement. The Tiger Challenge invokes anxiety and breakdowns and I had both on Saturday at the I Ho Chuan meeting. It’s hard to put into words what the big deal is though. I just know I am able to perform in a demo, in a lion dance, and I can teach without any real issues. I talked to Sifu Brinker about it and he suggested that I find a partner to do forms with, and that seemed like that might be a possibility for me.

Fast forward to last night, when I was talking to a student and her mom. Last week, this student was devastated that she couldn’t enter the tournament with her mom as she was going to be out of town. Well, last night she told me that she was going to enter on her own. So I looked at her thought, well if she can do it with her anxiety, then I guess I need to push myself a little harder and do it too. (even though I want to hide under a blanket just thinking about it).

So on the 28th, if you see me softly singing, “just keep breathing, just keep breathing” you’ll know why.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Dear Blog

Well dear blog, where do I start? I find myself staring at you and wondering what to write. Do I write about those times when you forced me to look at where I was in my training? Or those times you helped to keep me accountable to myself? Or perhaps it’s those times that you helped me see the positives that seemed so elusive? I could also write about the days where I just stared at your blank page which held so much promise or the days where I chose. Or to write anything, letting myself down in the promise.

Anyway dear blog, I would like to give thanks to you. Thank you being there when I needed you, for challenging me to find my voice when I didn’t think I could, for waiting for me to return when I didn’t write, and for reminding me that with you as a guide, anything is possible

Sunday, October 1, 2017

My Best Self

When are we our best selves? The best that we absolutely can be? I don’t think we ever truly are, as there are ways to improve every moment, every day. However, in this moment maybe I am the best I can be. And if I continue to put 100% into every moment, then it can be said that I will improve constantly.
But I know that I can’t always put 100% in. If my body is functioning at only 75% what can I do? I can simply put 100% into that 75.
If there is a battle going on in my brain, how do I put forth 100% into the side that will pull me to the other side? Negativity is powerful, but so is positivity. It can be difficult to wade through the dark to find that sliver of light, but once you have found it, and put 100% focus in, then it will grow.
Being our best selves in every moment can be challenging and discouraging but it can also be rewarding.