It's something I need to work on. Being in the moment more, walking and feeling the earth beneath my feet, noticing the warmth of the sun on my face, and just stopping every so often. I think we could all find some peace in our hearts if we just took a moment to stop, and focus on our breath throughout the day. Imagine what it might be like, if we all did that at the same time - people on the streets, kids in classrooms, people at work or at play. Just stopping, closing our eyes, breathing deeply, and smiling. That seems like a paradise to me.
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Monday, June 19, 2017
Ninja name = chi-ka-to-ki-ka
At least that's what the internet tells me. Anyway, now that I have your attention...
In my opinion, there is too much apathy in the world, and not enough compassion or empathy. We all have the power within us to change the world and it starts with a single act. The smallest act can make the biggest difference, so I'm not sure why it is so difficult for so many. A simple act of kindness is all we need to do, however more importantly is being mindful of it. We tend to brush off acts of kindness, as we believe that we are already kind. Hey, I held the door open once today. That counts! But does it? They count when we are mindful and we acknowledge the moment that it occurs in. A true act of kindness lives within us, not in the pat on the back that can become expected.
Monday, June 5, 2017
5 years or part 2
How do I write this? Maybe I shouldn't. And won't. I thought this might be therapeutic however I find that I am second guessing myself. It can be hard sometimes to keep things in perspective and now I question how this relates to my I Ho Chuan. Does it? Maybe a little. And some days a lot. I suppose it encourages me to be a better person, to be more kind, but sometimes that feels like the impossible. I am not yet the person that I hope to be, and maybe I never will be. I guess though, that if everyday I am doing things to become more compassionate, more empathetic, more kind, and more responsible, then I am going in the right direction.
Sunday, June 4, 2017
Part 1
I have to admit, I didn't start out yesterday with the best attitude. I just wanted to stay in bed, and not do the parade, or demo, or even teach. But as per usual, the day was far better than I imagined. And it pretty much always goes that way too. The best classes are the ones you have to drag yourself to, and are the ones that remind you of why you do it in the first place. It's the same with parades and demos. I was eating humble pie yesterday. A big thanks to all who made the day awesome, and to those who couldn't enjoy the day with us. You all make this journey worthwhile. Yesterday was a good day.