Wednesday, April 27, 2016

200,000 push-ups

I read an article on CBC about a 65 year old in PEI who has completed 200,000 push-ups this past year.

I think that's incredible. I thought 50,000 was a lot. It inspires me though, as it reinforces the fact that we can do anything if we set a goal, have a plan and take consistent action.

The black belt success cycle is really the key to accomplishing everything. If you don't have a specific goal, you won't have anything to aim for. Without a plan (and a success coach) you won't have any idea how to get to your goal. It will forever stay in the distance. And then most important is to take consistent action. An all or nothing approach will die out fast. The plan needs to be broken into manageable pieces so that it's easy to stay consistent. Then of course reviewing your progress and your goal along the way keeps you aware of how things are really going. There will be adjustments that will need to be made in order to stay consistent and to keep working towards your goal which may or may not have changed as you evolved over your journey.

Anything is possible if we don't settle for mediocrity.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Sparring and Earth Day.

I had the opportunity to spar with the advanced black dragons yesterday and I really enjoyed it. It's such a different perspective and gave me a lot to think about. I have never enjoyed sparring, and am not sure I ever will as it gives me a lot of anxiety and stress. However, yesterday felt really good. And the kids are improving all of the time.

I have also been marvelling at the onset of spring. This year I seem to be noticing the gradual increase in green around me. The grass is turning, and the trees are budding. Terrible for all the allergy sufferers though. This brings me to earth day on Friday and our spring clean up at the school and the clean up at Rotary Park on Saturday. It's time to connect by picking up trash, and appreciating the gifts we receive from the earth. Air from the trees, which also provide homes for many. I am thankful for the land we have that provides food, and access to clean water. I hope that by taking time out this weekend, and then carrying it through all year long, we can nurture the earth so that our children and grandchildren can enjoy it.

Earth day is this Friday, April 22. Let's love the earth we have.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

A little less

There was a little less Kung Fu for me this week. But that's ok, as I recognize the ebbs and flows of the journey. Nothing like a couple of migraines and a bunch of stress to slow you down.

At any rate, the Pandamonium is coming up fast. It's an opportunity for us to come together and share our compassion with the world around us. We can make a difference in so many ways, and on May 14 we will. By collecting sponsors for every minute that we are doing Kung fu, we not only raise funds for our 5 charities but we raise awareness in the process. Not to mention Kung Fu for a whole day!