Sunday, January 31, 2016

One sided shoulder rolls

I have something that I need to fix. Well, there is lots that I need to fix, but that's why this is a life long journey right? I have to address my left shoulder rolls. It started as a blue belt, and for years I was just unable to do them due to an injury that plagued me for many years. However, that injury has dissipated and now the only reason I have is mental.

I have challenged myself and the advanced black dragons to improve our shoulder rolls. I feel very confident on my right side, but at this point I can barely do them from a kneeling position on my left never mind from standing up. It's hard. But I am going to do this.

I am logging how many I can do, and hopefully the results will show themselves soon. Hopefully before too long, they will be second nature!

Monday, January 25, 2016


This past year, one of my goals was to meditate more, and to make the goal more attainable, I had dedicated a month per different type of meditation. I was going to do walking meditation, hugging meditation, sitting meditation and tea meditation every day for a month or two depending on how it went. I have learned though, that that goal wasn't specific enough. It would have served me better to stick a number on each type, so I had a quantitative measure. I am sad to say that I don't think I have really made a lot of progress in this goal. ( I think I already do ok with moving meditation so that one wasn't included).

However, I can say that some are easier than others. And some are simpler to do with relation to time invested. For example, tea meditation, while best done in a single go can be done with every sip. If I am mindful, I can stop, breathe, and be in the moments each time I have a sip of tea. I can taste what went into making this cup of tea. The sun, the rain, the dirt, the people who picked the leaves, the people who sent them to be packaged, the people who drove them to the store, to the people who put them on the shelf, to myself by boiling the water and making the tea. It is being in the moment, and appreciating what I have.

I also enjoyed the hugging meditation. This one was hard to plan with the approach I took. I went in thinking that at a certain time each day, I would engage in hugging meditation. That didn't work too well, as it just felt too forced and awkward. However, I have succeeded in hugging my family more. And for a longer stretch at a time. I aim for 3 breaths in that hug - one to thank the person for being there, one to tell them I love them, and one to just enjoy this time with them. It's easy to get busy, and neglect those closest to us. Hugs are good.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Tai Chi

I love Tai Chi. It's funny because I didn't start until I earned my black belt, and in hindsight it would've been awesome to start sooner. It turned out to be a great tool in the healing of my broken ankle, and it's a great tool to handle stress.

I have been blessed with the opportunity to help teach it alongside Sifu Dennis, and I am always amazed at how much I still have to learn. I am really loving how full the class is, and it is a testament to Sifu Dennis and her passion for it.

I wonder sometimes what my strengths are, as I see so many students with obvious ones. I think that Tai Chi is one of mine , although I still have a long ways to go before I come close to mastering it. There is a lot of understanding that I don't feel I have yet, but I know that will come in due time if I continue to practice.

My hand form for this year was the Tai Chi short form, and I am glad that I chose it. It's been challenging at times to practice it as it's not something to rattle off in a minute to get it done. But it's been a good challenge, and I can't see me not continuing to practice after this I Ho Chuan year is over.


Sunday, January 10, 2016

Duh, duh, duh

It's coming. Don't be afraid though, as it culminates in something amazing.

Yes, the Chinese New Years banquet is almost near. It's a time of year that I always look forward to. I find that right after the Christmas break, my motivation is renewed , and I can't wait to jump back into the many practices and a lot more time spent at the Kwoon. It's exciting to get to see what we can create when we all come together and then showcase for our families.

Yesterday we had our monthly I Ho Chuan meeting and were joined by our new members for the upcoming year of the monkey. It was awesome to look back at how far we have come, and to be able to meet the newest members. It's been a great year, and I am so thankful to have shared it with all of you.