Sunday, January 25, 2015

Still alive!!!


I am not usually one to let being sick keep me from doing what needs to be done and and fulfilling my commitments. I try not to complain, and just keep plugging away. Not always the best idea though, as I don't want to be responsible for making those around me sick.

It was difficult to stay down last week though. I always worry a little that I am going to be seen as a slacker, and not committed to the team. But I had to take the time off, and I am glad that everyone was so understanding.

Staying home was a reminder that I have to seize the good days, because it can be really hard to get any reps in when you are down. I have to say though, that the blogs and the postings keep me engaged. So even when I am stuck in bed, with my head near exploding, I haven't given up.


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Lion dance

It never fails to reengage me with my kung fu. And this time of year puts that engagement in high gear, with all of the extra practices and such. I truly love being a part of this, and I am thankful to have all of Silent River's students surrounding me.

It's inspiring to see everyone training hard as the Chinese New Year banquet quickly approaches. Demos are starting to take shape, and the positive energy is all around.

Truly awesome!


Sunday, January 11, 2015

Brain transplant?

I didn't blog last Sunday because of a migraine, and lost my momentum in the process. Before I knew it, it was Friday night, and that blog didn't appear. So here I am again, on a Sunday (my blog day) with yet another migraine. Feels like a transplant is in order.


It's funny, the I Ho Chuan year has seemed so far in the future, but it is actually upon us. I know I can do this, but yet today, it seems intimidating. I was looking at my goals, and they feel impossible. And yet, I know that once I break them down into smaller ones, the journey will be that much clearer and doable.