Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Snarly cats

I wrote a blog a couple of days ago, but couldn't bring myself to post it. My vacation ends this weekend and during this time off, I have had some time to breathe and reflect.

Things didn't really turn out as I had planned, however there is so much to be grateful for. So it's been a good vacation overall. Didn't get much physical training in, however we have New Year's Day challenge to get us started on the right foot. I'm looking forward to that.

See you on the mats next week!


Sunday, December 21, 2014

Ready for a break

Not from kung fu, but from work. I am mentally tired, and am hoping to relax for the next two weeks. Of course there will be kung fu during my days, and I know that some daily practice will be good mentally and physically.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday.



Sunday, December 14, 2014


I joined the I Ho Chuan horse team meeting yesterday with my fellow sheep team members yesterday. It was nice to see so many familiar faces and it has me looking forward to the next year.

I know it will present many challenges, and I know that there will be things that I will struggle with. However with a bunch of like minded people, the failures shouldn't be so bad. I hope that we can carry each other through thick and thin, and I know that we will all grow as students and people.

I have a lot that I need to work on, and I hope that my list of requirements is at a balance. Too many, or too challenging ones will have great potential to take the wind out of my sails. Too little or easy, I will be left unmotivated.

I think I am ready to take on the year of the sheep!


Sunday, December 7, 2014

What to do?

I find myself battling two things to blog about today. The problem lies in that the one topic that I feel very passionate about, is one that I feel makes me sound like a broken record. My kids know that I feel very strongly about it, as they are usually the ones to hear me rant. However,I hope that they also feel strongly about it, and perhaps one day they will have this passion for something too.

Please bear with me while I try to express this without driving anyone away. And please note that while I rant, I do recognize that I am not perfect either. There is no doubt that I could do more. This year, as with every year at this time, there is more awareness being raised and encouragement to donate food and Christmas things for those that are less fortunate. And believe me, I am in total agreement. But the problem as I see it, is that why does this issue only seem to be raised during the Christmas season? Those less fortunate need to eat all year round. I try to buy food bank donations every week, as it only costs me few extra dollars to support those less fortunate. So my hope is that when people make a donation, whether it is monetary or a food or gift donation, that it is done mindfully. And I hope that when you do, you think about the issue in the long term. It's great to help others, but it should be all the time, not just when we are expected to.