Sunday, November 30, 2014

Black Belt Success Cycle

1. Have a goal. Simple enough – you have something that you wish to attain. For example 3000 front thrust kicks in a month, both legs.

2. Have a plan (and a success coach) – Basically, you need to set up a schedule that you can consistently follow. A success coach is someone In the background who has already done that and can give you the tools and shortcuts you need to achieve your goal.

3. Take Consistent Action! This is the most important one! I don’t think this one requires explaining, however it’s just following your plan exactly as you laid it out.

4. Review your progress – is your plan working? Is it too difficult to maintain your consistent action? Maybe 5 sets of 50 kicks per leg each day is proving to be very hard to do? (perhaps 25 per leg per day will keep you from getting overwhelmed). You may need to adjust your plan so that you have a better chance of success.

5. Review your goal. Maybe your goal is no longer getting to a big number. Maybe your goal needs to be geared to perfecting the technique, or even maybe just changing to say a goal of x number of minutes of crane stance (you have lost your crane stances on your kicks – that’s bad!)


Wednesday, November 26, 2014


I was away last week on a course, and it is amazing how fast I felt disconnected from the school and kung fu. All that said though, it really feels great to be back. Kudos to those of you that work out of town or shift work - it's certainly a challenge and well, you guys rock!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Sense of Purpose

I've been thinking about this lately, and how it relates to everything we do. It's something that I struggle with at times, as my brain gets in the way. Ithink that when I am trying to apply a technique, instead of focusing on where my body parts are and what they should be doing, I should instead look at my sense of purpose. What outcome am I trying to achieve? I think that by staying in the moment, and looking at the outcome, things will come together. Of course I have to put in the effort and work on this before I see results.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Positives and negatives...and stuff


The title brings me way back to high school when a chemistry teacher did a funny little dance to explain positive and negative charges. Funny how that sticks with you.


Anyway, with the right frame of mind, you can take your negative thoughts and turn them around. Or perhaps take that failure, and make it a bridge for your next success. But the ugly truth is that it is really hard sometimes. It's something I struggle with - have for as long as I can remember and while I think I am improving, I know I have a long ways to go.


I was really excited today as I was thinking of a new Kung Fu thing, and it actually turns out that it was already out there. So my little "aha" moment was sadly deflated. It sucked the wind out of my sails, and while I could stew over it, I am just going to have to push harder and further to have my next "aha" moment.


And now for my own little dance...