Sunday, May 26, 2013

Foghorn Leghorn

No, he doesn't have anything to do with this blog, but I knew I had to start writing, and start somewhere because these things don't write themselves.

I had an "aha" moment on Fridays and I am trying to keep it in front of me. Sometimes it's difficult to remember what finally made sense unless unless you start to practice it immediately. Have I? Honestly, no. But I have been visualizing it a lot. That helps, but I need to put it into action. Right now.



Monday, May 20, 2013

Where am I? What am I doing?

It's a question Sifu Brinker has put to us many times over the years, and it's a question I have been thinking about this weekend. I have been reviewing my weaknesses and my strengths, and where I wish my Kung Fu to go. That's a hard one though, and that is where Mastery comes in. I feel torn - I know I want to keep up my knowledge in the curriculum, as I have some holes that have developed quietly over time. But I also want to master a few forms - which I feel is a strength. So do I let my curriculum stay in maintenance mode so I can aim for mastery on the few forms I love? Or do simply pick one or two forms, and a small selection of the techniques to master? Huh, I think I just answered my own dilemma. Isn't blogging great?

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Know when


When it comes to anything really, but in my case my Kung Fu, it's important to know when to slow down and take a different path. I have made some bad choices in the past with injuries, and I'd like to think that I have learned at least a little. We have to train smart if we want to keep training well into our senior years.

I have chronic tendinitis in my wrists and have noticeable swelling in my left thumb right now. So the trick is to tape myself up and stop when it starts to become uncomfortable. I have had many injuries over the years, and some will stay with me for life. I have learned to adjust, and have focused on other aspects of Kung Fu.

It is easy to let our egos lead us - to tell ourselves that we feel fine, we've healed enough to go hard. However, Kung Fu is about humility. Putting our egos aside. Learning empathy.

But we also have to think about our mental health as well. While it isn't visible on the surface, it can create more challenges than a physical injury.

My point with this crazy ramble, is that we need to be aware of the state we are in, and remember to progress wisely.