Sunday, October 28, 2012


Abraham Lincoln, Sir Winston Churchill, Sir Isaac Newton, Mark Twain and Teddy Roosevelt. A handful of well knowns who battled depression.


Depression, along with all other mental illnesses are still stigmatized even though its been noted throughout history.


A person with depression generally battles with feelings of despair for an extended period of time. It affects all aspects of your life, physically too and can range from mild to severe. For some people they can get through their days, with a bright face on display, and for others getting out of bed is impossible.


Its important that we recognize depression, and other mental illnesses and educate ourselves. It's also important that we take a mental picture of where we are at, so perhaps we can find help for ourselves if we need it. Its ok to ask for help. It's ok to lean. But it's not ok to feel sad all the time.


I encourage everyone, to learn what you can about depression, or any other mental illness that you may have been touched by. If more people are educated about mental illness, we can share more empathy and compassion with those affected.



Sunday, October 14, 2012


Something came up in class the other night, and it got me thinking about forms. I love forms, and can honestly say that they are my favourite part of Kung Fu.

I hope to teach in the upcoming forms seminar on November 3rd, and look forward to passing on my passion. I learn every time I teach so every one wins! It's a fantastic opportunity for everyone, no matter your rank.

I am excited about the seminar, as I am every year. Hope to see you there!


Monday, October 8, 2012

To blog or not to blog

I've probably used that title before, but its really fitting right now.

I had pretty much resigned myself to not posting this week, until a few moments ago. I don't think I have much to offer right now, and while I am thankful for many things, my heart just isn't in it at this time.

I read all the blogs this weekend and a couple have really stood out for me. One of our family members was cut off of tv and the computer/ iPod on Sunday. And because of that I was again reminded how much fun it is to pull out board games and head outside. We really don't need electronics like we think we do.

I guess my point is, that even if I don't feel like doing something, I am usually better off for it, and secondly, I love spending time with my kids playing board games and such.


Monday, October 1, 2012

Black Dragons

I have to say this - I am really proud of how the black dragons pulled together for the push-up/ sit-up challenge last week. I felt a lot of energy from the kids, and it felt great to see them post their results online.


I hope the kids got something out of this. I know I got an awesome reminder of how much we can accomplish as a team and when we put our minds to something.


We had a common goal, we knew our job, and we had fun. So again, our results are...


Push-ups - 5619

Sit-ups - 5395

All in one week...

Pretty Awesome!!!