Sunday, September 23, 2012


I had the opportunity to spar in the black belt class last week, and I tell you it was better than I expected. You see, I haven't exactly sparred grownups much in the past 3 years, and it was never something I looked forward to. It used to give me a lot of anxiety and stress, and during my early sparring years as a lower belt, there were times where I just couldn't do it.

So I am very guilty of not sparring willingly once I earned my black belt. Except when I sparred with the kids in the Black Dragon classes. I guess the kids don't intimidate me, and just maybe it has helped a little with the underlying anxiety I have over sparring in general.

I felt pretty calm last week, and I actually didn't feel like I had to struggle with combinations, or finding my "in". I did learn however, that I need to protect my head more. I took a lot of head shots. :-)

I also think that lots of forms practice has helped me keep up somewhat in this aspect, but I do recognize that I am way behind where I probably should be.

This also got me thinking about the few forms that I don't like to do. And I love forms - they are my favourite part of Kung Fu. So, the moral is this - I MUST focus some more on the things that I like less of in Kung Fu - sparring and in particular Hung 1 and 2. (My dislike for that form is how linear it feels. But that could just be my perception, which will need to change).

See you on the mats!

p.s. Watch for the ongoing saga of the Black Dragons against the I Ho Chuan team!!! Follow us on Kwoon Talk.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

How busy?

Someone asked me something the other day that got me thinking. The question was along the lines of how I do it all. I work full time, raise my two daughters, teach and train in Kung fu several times a week.

When I thought about it though, I don't actually feel that busy. My lifestyle is something that has grown over time, and I honestly don't think about it. It just is.

I think that is something that is hard to grasp sometimes. I know that every now and then life gets to be too much and we wonder what the heck we are doing? But yet, for me the solution is pretty simple. All it takes is a reflection of what Kung Fu has done for me and I realize what I have always known. This is where I belong, and my Kung Fu is my life. It's my journey, and I have a huge Kung Fu "family" to keep me going.



Sunday, September 9, 2012

A breath of fresh air

That is exactly how my morning was today, and it was great! It has been great as well, training and preparing for today's performance and I had forgotten how wonderful it is to perform with such great people, and for a great cause.

Today's Rotary Run for Life is something that we have done a lion dance in for as long as I can remember. And today, we got to add the Dragon into the mix! I think it's a wonderful tribute to our school to be invited to be a part of this year after year, and it says a lot about our commitment to our community.

I love being a part of this! You guys in the demo, and you guys who supported us by being there - Thank you!!! I had a fantastic time today...


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Thought by thought

I have a few stray thoughts to share...


1. While I had the previous week off, I spent most of it on the sidelines. Most of my well laid plans, are still waiting for my attention.

2. Even though I was more or less out of commission, I got some well needed rest.

3. I had the pleasure of babysitting my nephew. He is 4 months old, and is a wonder.

4. I pulled out one of moms projects, and am almost done! It's a table runner, but it's a start.

5. I am looking forward to getting back to school. The routines and the new possibilities they represent.

6. I am also looking forward to being a part of the Lion/ Dragon dance next weekend. I couldn't make the last couple of practices, but will be there this week!

7. I have been thinking about where my strengths are with my kung fu. Have to ponder this further...

8. I am curious about Sifu Rybak's pistachio project thing....?

9. I really enjoy reading all of the blogs from our students. It's a great way to stay connected.

10. I am thankful for the life I have, and for the opportunities that are available. I feel blessed.