Sunday, May 27, 2012

In the Moment

I think I have written about this before, but I am needing to again. I have come to realize again lately just how important it is to stay in the moment no matter what you are doing or who you are with. Our lifestyle today seems to dictate multitasking, and running from one thing to the next. I am not sure how we can truly appreciate anything in this state, or even benefit from the situation.


We should always try to keep our focus on the here and now, because we don't know what we might miss.




Monday, May 21, 2012

Spring is Sprung

The grass is riz, I know where the birdies is. In fact I hear them all the time as there us a family living in the birdhouse just outside our living room in the birdhouse my daughter built.

I am sitting outside right now, while my kids are picking up garbage from around the apartment building. I have been attempting some planter gardening, and while I do not have a green thumb, I have hopes that something might grow.

I love this time of year when everything starts fresh. In fact, I think some tai chi on the lawn is exactly what I need right now.


Sunday, May 13, 2012

This is different

Blogger has changed it's format, and I am not sure what to think yet. I can't remember if it was like this 2 weeks ago when I last posted, so this must be new. My entries have sucked this last month or so, and I have a feeling it will be a while yet before I can put something with substance down. It was tempting not to write tonight, as I am not ready to share the recent complexities of my life. Another time perhaps. However, I felt like a cop out for not posting last week, and just simply could not leave this entry for another day. Yes, I am not really writing about anything, but sometimes I think that in itself is a process that I have to stick to. Otherwise it might be way too simple to just stop journalling. That wouldn't do. I am thankful for my mom. Today is Mother's Day, and while I am always appreciative of her, today was a good day to let her know how much she means to me, and how much she inspires me. I am who I am because of her, and I hope one day that I am half the mother she is now. Thanks mom!