Sunday, May 29, 2011

It may be our last tournament

Yesterday marked our annual Tiger Challenge, which allows both locations of our school to compete against each other (and ourselves) in a warm community environment. It was a great day.

This year, one of my UBBT goals was to compete. It didn’t matter if I placed at all, I just wanted to continue to get more comfortable performing under pressure. I did alright with my individual hand form, and placed second. I don’t feel I deserved my first place in the team hand forms and I hope I didn’t let my partner down. It was a form I have done hundreds of times, as it is one of my favourites. However, when I went to perform it with said partner, by mind/ body was still in deep with my previous form. So right off the bat, my opening bow was the wrong one. Oops. Then twice more I went into a different form and caught myself. The reason we got gold is because we were the only competitors. It was still a learning experience for me, and in the past it may have frustrated me to screw up so publicly, but I was able to laugh it off yesterday. I know it was my worst performance ever, but I think because of the environment I was in, those that train with me are aware of my abilities.

I missed seeing my girls do their team weapon form, but they did very well and earned a very nice silver for their efforts. And I did get to see my oldest daughter perform a fight choreography with partner, and I was proud of how well they did.

It might have been our last tournament due to circumstance, but if it was, it was a fine, fine day to end it with. I am proud to be a part of the Silent River Kung Fu family.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

A few notes on "Depression"

Depression is a mental illness that affects many, many people. It is in fact a disease, that is not caused by personal weakness, neither is it a character flaw. It is a disease where the chemicals in your brain are out of balance.

There are things that can cause depression, but sometimes there isn't any reason at all. It is important that depression is recognized and treated as quickly as possible.

A few symptoms of depression are: weight loss or gain, sleeping too much or not enough almost every day, feeling restless and not being able to sit still, or you may sit quietly and feel that moving takes great effort. You might feel tired or as if you have no energy almost every day. You may have feelings of being unworthy or guilty nearly every day and you may have low self-esteem and worry that people don't like you. You may find it hard to focus, remember things, or make decisions nearly every day and you may feel anxious about things.

Depression can be treated. Treatments such as counseling, psychotherapy, and/or antidepressant medicines, lifestyle changes, such as getting more exercise, may help. Your doctor or mental health professional will help you find the best treatment.

It is important that there is family support. Depression is not just in your head, it is real, it is serious, and it can be treated. When it comes to mental health, it is important to be educated and unbiased. A mental illness can happen to anyone, anywhere.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


The weather has warmed up finally, and I am looking forward to spending more time outside. I love practicing Kung Fu in the grass, as I feel a closer connection to my chi and to the earth. Kung Fu outside reminds me of the fragility of and the fine balance of the earth. I am always amazed at the transformation that occurs and how quickly the earth turns green. Spring is a time of rebirth, and it never fails to soothe my soul.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Last week was a mental health week...

The following is taken directly from the Canadian Mental Health Association. Last week, was National Mental Health Week...

"Some simple ways to practice mental fitness

It's not difficult! Below we suggest a few healthy practices that can be easily integrated into your daily life. The idea is that a lot of small, concerted actions can add up to a significant overall effect. Apply some of these ideas on a regular basis and you'll find yourself feeling rejuvenated and more confident.

Learn how to cope with negative thoughts: Negative thoughts can be insistent and loud: don't let them take over. Distract yourself or comfort yourself if you can't solve a problem right away. Try seeing the issue from all sides rather than from just one point of view.
Be in the present: When you're out for a walk or socializing, turn off the cell phone and take in all the sights and sounds around you. Smell the roses!
"Collect" positive emotional moments: Make a point of thinking about those times when you've felt pleasure, comfort, tenderness, confidence or other positive emotions.
Enjoy hobbies: A hobby helps bring balance to your life. You're doing something because you want to, rather than because you have to. No pressure. It's a form of mental stimulation too.
Treat yourself well: It could be a good meal, a bubble bath, a movie, or just sitting in the park enjoying nature. Small daily treats have a cumulative effect.
Get exercise: Regular physical activity is good for the mind. It can even reduce depression and anxiety. Joining an exercise group or gym is even better because it connects you with others."