Sunday, February 10, 2008

Politics, yada, yada, yada

So, I am not one for politics. I can handle personal politics without any problems, but then I have my hand in the can. I deal with it all the time at work, and I feel that I do quite well with it.

Now the Provincial Election is coming up. I personally am not one to follow what goes on with government as it just doesn’t interest me. However, if I choose not to vote, I am not exercising my right, and with one vote, I can make a difference. So I am going to try to stay informed, so that I can make a choice based on what I know, and not someone else’s bias.

It is time for me to decide what is most important to me, and to see which candidate measures up the best. My biggest problem though, seems to be that I will ultimately have to chose the lesser of the evils. I feel the candidates, and all of them, still have only their best interests in mind. Do they really care or understand how much it takes to raise a child today? How that they have a provincial subsidy for children in daycares, but it stops the day they start grade 1? That doesn’t make any sense to me at all. Just because my child is now in school every day, does not mean that my working hours can be adjusted to accommodate this. How about the seniors on a fixed income? Their pensions do not adjust as the cost of living increases. What about them? And then what about our environment? I believe we need some serious plans to preserve what we have and to encourage a future for the generations to come. These are just a few of my questions, and I wonder if any of them will be addressed. I might be faced with a choice of 3 guys, who might each address one thing of importance to me.

At any rate, I will have a choice to make. I have to celebrate that, since I am privileged to live in a country where I have a choice. I have a voice, and I will use it. I dislike election time, as I have to take interest in something that I don’t have much interest in. However, it is something I will do, and I have no idea which direction I will cast my vote. I am guessing it will be the lesser of the evils.

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