Sunday, January 27, 2019

The artist(s?) in our home...

We express ourselves in multiple ways. Through our speech, our gestures, our facial expressions, our body language, our attire, our pastimes. I am sure I am missing some, but you get my point. Sometimes we express ourselves on purpose, and sometimes without even realizing it.

I have recently discovered an artist, of whom I love her work. Her name is Yayoi Kusama and she is an 89 year old Japanese artist obsessed with dots and pumpkins. I would give my left leg to see her work in person. Ok, that’s a little extreme, but I am truly fascinated and delighted.

Along with discovering her work and with my oldest daughter immersed in her Fine Art program, I find myself wanting to delve into art. We have recently acquired some local work as well, and I feel truly alive when I look at them.

I feel privileged to be learning the art of Kung Fu. And that’s what it is, an art. It’s not a sport or a hobby. It’s an art in danger of being lost, due to the rage of things like the UFC. Practicing the art of Kung fu, is a lifelong endeavour, one that fills the soul, and keeps the body moving. The never ending journey of learning will keep our minds young and sharp.

I am so grateful to be learning Kung Fu, as well as having art at my disposal