Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Another one behind us

We just finished our annual Tiger Challenge on the weekend, and as always, I came away learning more. I learn about things that can help me teach better, things that can help me be a better judge next year, and things that I can do to help my training.

The tournament gives gives us an opportunity to set a definitive goal, and to set in motion a plan to achieve it. It narrows our focus, and allows us to strive to be better today than yesterday.

I watched competitors fight their nerves, and get through a whole form. No matter the outcome, they were a success. It's hard to beat that anxiety and stress of putting yourself out there. I am so proud of all of you!



Sunday, October 18, 2015

Noodle, don't noodle


I think I am going to start this with the more negative aspects of my training, and work to the positive.

I have had numerous injuries over the years, as most of us have and I thought that I should share a few as they offer insight into my restrictions. I had several ribs broken as a blue belt. And the way they healed have kept me from doing push-ups for many, many years. Happy to say that they feel good now though! I have also had chronic tendinitis in my wrists for years. I have a good month or two and then a few bad months so depending on how they feel, consistency can be hard. I broke my ankle almost 7 years ago just before my black belt ceremony, which still gives me grief more often than not. Injuries have the power to focus our training, as well as to help us appreciate what we can do.

When I started my I Ho Chuan year, I could do 10 knee/ knuckle push-ups at a time. That was it. As of September, I could do 20 at a time fairly easily. But then in a sick twist of fate, I think I cracked a knuckle on my left hand. And it still hurts. Poor me right? Ha ha. So, the squat thrust challenge has been just that, a challenge, Oh well. There isn't any point in complaining as it is what it is.

The past few weeks, I have been face to face with using empathy and compassion. And sometimes it's been really hard to do. One of my cats requires daily medication as of a month ago. And she is extremely fussy about her food so hiding it isn't an option. I think I have pretty much tried everything, but have had to hug her tight and force the pill down her throat. I hate doing it, and she hates me for it. She hides when she knows it's time, and I have lost my temper a few times. Not my best pet mommy moment. But I have been really trying to see it with compassion and empathy. Of course she hates it. It sucks having someone force your mouth open and then hold it until the pill is gone. She can't understand how the pills make her feel better, so her reaction is understandable. And I have learned a lot about myself through this experience.

My training has its ebbs and flows, and I have learned to roll with them as best as I can. I get frustrated, and sometimes I don't feel that I deserve the belt around my waist. But I keep moving forward. I see the benefits of journaling and how mental training is just as important as physical.


Monday, October 12, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving


Have a great thanksgiving everyone. I am blessed to be surrounded by people I love and care about, and am thankful for all that I have.



Monday, October 5, 2015


It was great to see everyone at the meeting on Saturday. I found it to be inspiring and it left me feeling motivated. It reminded me to look back at where I started, and reflect on the journey so far. I've been training for 12.5 years or so, which isn't very long and I know there is a lot more for me to learn. I see where I have been, and I know where I want to go - it's just a matter of the journey. And that journey evolves as I travel. I need to keep moving forward and to see the valleys and peaks as challenges that will help me grow. Thanks to all of you that shared your progress this weekend, and thanks to everyone for being on this journey. It would be much more difficult without you.