Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day


Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. I know a few great ones, and I had the pleasure of spending time with them today. Know you are appreciated and loved without measure.



Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Tai Chi Tuesday


I had a really great experience today. I was outside in a field close to work, doing Tai Chi before lunch, and I could really feel a connection to the earth. The warm breeze seemed to energize me more, and it just felt good. It's hard to put into words, so I a not sure I can really express my experience.


Monday, June 8, 2015

A truckload that doesn’t make sense


I am feeling a lot of stress and anxiety over an interview tomorrow. It’s been building since I got the notice last week Tuesday, and it really is just ridiculous.

I don’t need the job. In fact I don’t really want it either. So why am I doing this to myself? Basically, stripped down it is about experience and going beyond my limits. I am currently acting in the job, which pays a little bit better than my regular position, so I have some information to go in with. I believe that I need to do what I enjoy which is my normal job, so really this acting position is nothing more than a little bit extra money and different experience. If offered the job, I will more than likely not take it, as it just isn’t for me.

So why am I all stressed out and anxious then? I am going off of my last interview 10 years ago, which was absolutely horrible. And I have been remembering it with a lot of clarity. It’s tempting to cancel it, but I have a few people who have spent time with me to help me prepare. I can’t let them down. I need to do this interview, so that if I am ever in the position of having to find another job, I won’t be going in as cold. I need to do this interview to overcome this stress and anxiety. I am a martial artist – I got this, right?