Monday, September 30, 2013

Oh, it's happening alright

I am going to compete in the tournament. There, it's out in the open and I will now have to follow through or eat dirt. Well, maybe I won't have to eat dirt, but....


I am actually going to compete for two reasons, and they aren't really for myself, although in the long run, it will do me a whole lot of good. Reason 1. My youngest had a huge anxiety attack at last years tournament, so when she said she wanted to try again, I thought it best that we do it together. Maybe she can do it this time, or maybe not, but I will be there with her. And 2. I need to inspire the Advanced Black Dragons. I feel I do anyway, so I am going to walk the walk and talk the talk. It is so happening.


Am I nervous? You betcha. But it will feel amazing when I get throug it, this I know.


See you all there!

Sunday, September 22, 2013


I missed writing my blog last week. I haven't been in the best place mentally lately, so I am not sure how positive this one will be. But it needs to be done.

This weekend I went on a mini family vacation. A cousin was getting married in Fort MacLeod, so we took a 2 day trip. I have never met any of my cousin's on my mom's side. This particular set of cousin's/ Aunt/ Uncle live in Michigan, and my cousin happened to be marrying a girl from here. I decided we had to go, as I will probably never have the chance to meet them again, and they were practically in my back yard. The last time I saw my aunt was last year, just before my mom passed away, so it was nice to see her again under better circumstances. It was an interesting trip, as my dad came with us, and the last time I went on vacation with him was 22 years ago. We did have fun though. I had a fair bit of anxiety leading up to this trip, for multiple reasons, but I came out okay. Seeing the similarities in my Aunt that I saw in my mom was hard. But it also made me appreciate the family that I do have. While my family here in Alberta is small, I also have a Kung Fu family. One I hope to cherish for a long time.

(The picture is of my aunt, uncle dad, and oldest daughter. My youngest was off being bored somewhere.)

Sunday, September 1, 2013

And we're back

To school that is. I find it hard to believe that school starts up again this week. It seems like the kids just got out of school and here we are heading back again. But it will be good to back into that routine.

I did miss kung fu this week, but it was good to be surrounded by other students while we freshened up the kwoon. Good job guys.